Wednesday, March 19

I. am. losing. my. mind

Hello my friends!

(lots of cursing and swearing goes here) 

I'm so done with my world. Yesterday I made six lovely little brick houses on a block. Today I started making lots to the next block. I made one lot to start with, and then copied it so every lot would be the same size. But when placing the copies, my roads disappeared! 

First I thought that my lots were too close to the road and moved them a little. But the problem still occurred, as you can see from the selected lot, which is nowhere near where the road should be. 

Also I tried to edit my world in game. And there were no roads on that area. I tried to smooth the road with the road tool and also with sculpting, but no. Roads are still missing. Now I'm gonna delete all those lots and redo them and see what happens...

But in the meanwhile, here's some photos of the houses I made yesterday. 

I am so in love with this house! (those two upper photos) It's very small, one bedroom and one bathroom and kitchen upstairs. Made for a single lady or perhaps for an older couple. And I crave so much for pets-ep, but I have no money for it and no-one is willing to buy it for me :D I really could imagine this house for a sweet senior citizen with four cats!

Oh and before I forget. I promised I wouldn't use much cc, but I can't help myself. Big thanks to Sandy from Around The Sims 3. I love your work!

Tuesday, March 18

It's beginning to look like something!

Hello my friends!

I have been so busy with studying for finals so I haven't got the time to keep up with you guys. I have somehow managed to make time for my world and I have had lots of progress! 

At the moment I have finished the roads, set up about a quarter of all the street lights, added some coastline and a small mountain, changed the custom road texture million times and created few community lots! 

There's a nice small library, which I'm very proud of. It's interior reminds me a bit of my local library. I will introduce every community lot in their own post when I get that far. Also I have custom-made town hall, gym and school. 
Town hall still needs a rabbit hole installed. I'm going to use rabbit hole rugs if I can find them somewhere. I'm not so proud of this town hall. I tried to imitate the Civic Center from Isla Paradiso but it didn't turn out so well. I might remake it if I bother to do that. 
Gym is intentionally made a bit clumsy. It's a bit ragged-looking from the outside and from the inside it's drab and looking cheap. 
The school is trying to look like elementary school with a playground and a football court. I used Community School for the gifted from Sunset Valley. I have also Riverwiev installed but I can't find it's rabbit holes?! I would have rather used the Truelong Community School. It would've fitted my world's theme better. 

Library in the left, part of Town Hall in the right and in the back is that cheap gym.

Oh and also I wondered if I could have the same rabbit hole twice? I would love to have two schools in my world. One is that elementary school in the city center which I already built and the second one would be a tiny custom-made suburban school . If anyone knows please let me know :) I tried to google but didn't find anything helpful. 

PS. Sorry I don't have any more pictures. To the next post I try to get more!